I applied for a course last december, "travel organizer" and "conference and event organizer". My exams were yesterday and of course, I was pass these tests ^^ I'm very proud of myself coz' it was really hard for me, coz' I worked a lot therefore I didn't have enough free time to prepare for this test.
And by the way, it's a very nostalgic period for me and for me friend, Netti coz we took part in a Tokio Hotel concert 1 year ago in Prague. I miss those days coz' it was my first time to see them in abroad ^^ We spent the whole night in fron of the hall and the weather was very very very unfriendly (snow, rain, wind and lightning). I got to know a lot of unfriendly and friendly people.
The day of the concert was chaos and nothing else. Chaos, chaos and chaos. Nobody knew what should we do or where we have to stand and what was happening...nothing just chaos. We shouted with each other, fighting with each other and we couldn't do nothing coz everybody said her/his opinions.
But of course the concert was maden it up to us for everything ^^ I lived every second ^^
The chech fans were very converging through that day and I was really happy to see it coz' I wanna see it here, in Hungary, too :)
Ne felejtsétek el! 2011. április 16. - All Zusammen Hungary
Helyszín: Hősök tere (Találkozó: 15:00-kor a szobor mögött)
- Videó felvétel
- Feladatok nyereményekkel
- A többi programterv: HAMAROSAN…
Mit hozz magaddal?:
- Fehér póló „All zusammen” felirattal - a felirat zöld legyen! Készülhet kézzel is a lényeg, hogy ZÖLD legyen és a póló elején legyen! (A feliratot a találkozón is elkészíthetitek magatoknak, de zöld filcet hozzatok!)
Gyertek minél többen. Az összes találkozó nagyon fontos, hiszen ez a legjobb módja annak, hogy összetartsunk, hogy fenntartsuk a rajongást, hogy ne merüljön feledésbe az együttes és hogy igen is megmutassuk: Mi magyarok itt vagyunk, még vagyunk és nem felejtettük el Őket!
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