2010. november 23., kedd

My first flight

I lived through my first flight in my life to London-Luton by wizzair. It was a very very big experience.

My plane was departured from the Ferihegy airport Terminal 1. I went to there before 2 hours the departure time. You know very well I’m very accomplished at the airport so I finished very fast at the security check (of course – the same as usual- I beeped at the safety gate) and after the passport control.
I sat down to the chair and waited for the bording time which was started in time. We travelled to the plane by bus. Fortunately, I could sit next to the window but it was in the wings…I didn’t travel alone because beside me sat a very lovely old man who talked to me so I wasn’t nervous =).
The take off was really really cool, I enjoyed it but it was a very strange feeling but I love it =).  But unfortunately the weather was very cloudy so I saw nothing.
The landed was a bit dangerous because of the fog and the clouds but I survived it =).
After the landed I found my bus station, Easybus/Green line bus number 757. I travelled by this bus to central London, Victoria station.

About London:
I lost my way twice but finally everything was good. I enjoyed my time there. And I wanna it again =).

My hotel room was very small but it was enough for me, I was alone so it was perfect. And my room was on the 3rd floor xD
I saw a lot of Harry Potter buses and posters and of course a McFly poster ^^
The people were very lovely, sweet and polite. I like them so much. They helped me a lot.

My way to home was better ^^ I travelled to Luton by easybus. I didn’t check my baggage so I went to the security check which is very various like in Budapest.
After this I went to the departure lounge and waited for my gate number and my boarding time. I bought food because I didn’t eat all day.
On the plane I sat on the 3rd row next to the window. And two men were sitting next to me. The weather was foggy but I saw a lot of cities. The landed was perfect ^^ and I’m at home now ^^

See you London next month ^ ^ 

2010. november 10., szerda

Beautiful song

Well it’s good to hear your voice
I hope you’re doing fine
And if you ever wonder
I’m lonely here tonight
Lost here in this moment
Time keeps slipping by
If I could have just one wish
I’d have you by my side

Oooohh I miss you
Oooohh I need you
And I love you more than I did before
And if today I don’t see your face
Nothing’s changed, no one can take your place
It gets harder everyday
Say you love me more than you did before
And I’m sorry it’s this way
But I’m coming home, I’ll be coming home
And if you ask me I will stay, I will stay

Well I tried to live without you
But tears fall from my eyes
I’m alone and I feel empty
I’m torn apart inside

I look up at the starts
Hoping you are doing the same
And somehow I feel closer
And I can hear you say

Oooohh I miss you
Oooohh I need you
And I love you more than I did before
And if today I don’t see your face
Nothing’s changed, no one can take your place
It gets harder everyday
Say you love me more than you did before
And I’m sorry it’s this way
But I’m coming home, I’ll be coming home
And if you ask me I will stay, I will stay, always stay

I never wanna lose you
And if I had to I would choose you
So stay, please always stay
You’re the one that I hold on to
My heart would stop without you

I love you more than I did before
And if today I don’t see your face
Nothing’s changed, no one can take your place
It gets harder everyday
Say you love me more than you did before
And I’m sorry that it’s this way
But I’m coming home, I’ll be coming home
And if you ask me I will stay, I will stay, I’ll always stay
And I love you more than I did before
And I’m sorry that it’s this way
But I’m coming home, I’ll be coming home
And if you ask I will stay, I will stay, I will stay

2010. november 8., hétfő

Lady Gaga concert

Lady Gaga – 2010.11.07. – Budapest – Papp László Arena

Hungarian version: (english is down)

Lady Gaga. Hihetetlenül lenyűgöző csaj és élőben is maradandót alkotott…Lehet, hogy sokan nem fognak velem egy véleményen lenni, de egy kicsit tényleg csalódott vagyok. Úgy érzem nem tudtam teljesen azonosulni Vele. De ennek ellenére tényleg élveztem a koncertet =).

November 6:
Bernivel és Dórával kimentünk a Kempinski Hotel-hez, abban a reményben, hogy csinálhatunk Vele közös képet és aláírást is kapunk. Sajnos nem így történt, de 6 óra várakozás után küldött nekünk sütit és forró csokit is ^^

November 7: 
A csarnokhoz kb. délután 4-kor értünk ki. Nem voltak sokan még, olyan 50-60 ember körülbelül. Azt hittem sokkal többen lesznek, mivel kb. az összes jegyet eladták, de úgy látszik ez nem olyan koncert, ahol kint csöveznek az emberek.
Összesen 3 sor volt kint, nem tudtuk melyikbe álljunk be, ezért a jobboldali legszélsőt választottuk, ahol két nagyon kedves csajjal kezdtünk el beszélgetni. Körülbelül 10-20 perccel ezután a karszalagosokat beengedték a kordonba, a többieket nem…hát Dórával mi ezzel mit sem törődve simán előre furakodtunk és bár a kordonba nem tudtunk bemenni, attól még kb. 50 embert beelőztünk és előre álltunk, ahol még tovább furakodtunk xD No comment, de irtó jók voltunk. Így beengedésnél nagyon, de tényleg nagyon hamar beértünk. Gyorsan leolvasták a jegyünket, bementünk, elkezdtünk rohanni, utána vmi faszi lassította le a forgalmat, de mi se Vele, se másokkal nem foglalkozva tolakodtunk, mint az állat, ezért a „nagy piros ajtó elé” amikor odaértünk a 3. sorban álltunk. Először bementek a piros karszalagosok, aztán mi, de mivel nagyon sokan rossz helyre kezdtek el futni, ezért mi simán a második sorba lazán beálltunk, mondjuk melletünk még tengernyi hely volt. Az volt a legjobb, hogy előttünk első sorban egy kb. 160 cm magas csaj volt, szóval simán láttunk mindent, sőt időnként első sorban kötöttünk ki =).

Először valami csaj ugrált a színpadon, nagyon őrült volt az biztos. Az első pár számnál még vicces volt, utána már irtóra uncsi.
Ezután jött az előzenekar a Semi precious weapons…Soha nem hallottam róluk, de kellemes csalódás volt. Az énekes irtó nagy arc, amellett, h meleg nagyon nagy xD. Az volt a legjobb, amikor megkérdezte, hogy „Budapest, mit szóltok a cipőmhöz?” Hát…xD kééész. Őrült egy pasi, de mondjuk az egész banda az xD

Ezután kaptuk meg a hírt, hogy amennyiben Gaga megnyeri az EMA díjakat élőben közvetítik majd a showt Madridba. Erre persze mindenki teljesen felpörgött és elkezdtek telefonálgatni haza, hogy nézzék/vegyék fel ^^

Na és ezután jött Gaga. A show fél 9-kor kezdődött. Az intro és a Dance in the dark nagyon nagy volt, akkor teljesen felpörögtem. Amikor először megláttam Gaga-t azt gondoltam, h úristen ez nem ő, hanem valami hasonmás…de komolyan annyira más élőben, mint mondjuk a TV-ben. Nem hittem volna, hogy ennyire kis duci…mármint nem gáz, csak a TV-ben nagyon soványnak tűnik, pedig nem az.

A legjobbak voltak a Dance in the dark, a Telephone, a Lovegame, a Just dance, a Boys boys boys, a beautiful dirty rixh, a Teeth, a Pokerface, az Alejandro, a paparazzi és a bad romance.
Ja igen és az első szám után Gaga megkapott 2 EMA díjat és Lovegame után még egyet ^^ És ezt közvetítették az EMA-n is ^^

A legjobban még is a paparazzi tetszett, mert az a „szörny” nagyon látványos volt és komolyan nagyon ijesztő. Attól féltem, hogy tényleg lemászik és megesz mindenkit xD

(Tudom ez londoni videó, de bp-en senki nem csinált jót)

A díszletről beszélve tényleg nagyon változatos volt és nagyon sokszor átrendezték a színpadot, ilyenkor különböző kis videók voltak Gaga-ról. Nekem a kedvencem az volt, amikor az Alejandro volt =). Eléggé kísérteties volt, de nagyon jól nézett ki.

Kedves gesztus volt tőle, amikor pont előttünk leült a hangfalakra és megfogta a kezünket és kinyujtotta a lábát, hogy megfoghassuk a cipőjét is =).
Amúgy voltam a kivetítőn is xD Az vicces volt, először nem is realizáltam, hogy az ott én vagyok, de aztán leesett és elfordítottam a fejem xD. Kicsit zavarban voltam, de jó volt =).

Tényleg nem tudok többet mondani erről, szerintem nem is nagyon lehet. Mindenkinek egyszer érdemes elmennie egy Gaga koncertre, mert nagyon látványos, energikus és lendületes show.

De nem utolsó sorban el kell mondanom, hogy nem érzem magam Gaga little monster-jének, mert én már régóta a TH Alien-je vagyok =). Sajnálom...de ahogy mi mondjuk, én Humanoid City-ben hagytam a szívem és csak és kizárólag az ő team-jükbe akarok tartozni (ilyen szokás/kultúra címszó alatt). =)


English version: 

Lady Gaga. She is cool and a fucking superstar. I’m just a little bit disappointed because of the concert, I think I couldn’t incorporated with her music and her performance but after all I really enjoyed the concert =).

6th of november:
I went to the Hotel Kempinski with Berni and Dóra to see her or take a picture or get an autograph. Unfortunately, she didn’t give us autograph but she sent us biscuits and hot chocolate ^^   

7th of november:
We went to the Hall at around 4 p.m.. There were not many people yet just around 50-60 people. I belied there will be a lot of people becoz they sold all tickets but seems there isn’t Lady Gaga culture in Hungary.
All in all there was 3 rows. We didnt know where is the right way so we stood to the last one and started to talk to 2 girls who were very lovely. Around 10-20 minutes the people who wore red armband could go into the barriers, so the queue got going forwards. I took Dóra’s hands and tugged with me to the barriers…finally we couldnt go into the barriers but we got ahead and started to jostle. We were very very cool :P
So when the door was opened we went into the hall among the first people. Our tickets were controlled and after we started to ran to the hall but there were a lot of security who tried to slow down us but they couldnt xD…and when we arrived to the front of the „big red door” we stood ont he 3rd row. But first those people were allowed to ingress who had red armbands…so we had to wait 3 or 5 minutes. When we entered to the hall we ran and ran straight ahead to the second rows. The best was that in front of us was a very little girl so sometimes we stood int he first row =).

First there was a girl who jumped ont he stage and ran around and around…She is a very crazy girl who can drunk xD
After this was the pre-band, the Semi precious weapons…I have never heard about them but they are really really funcking cool and amazing…and the singer is a really really great boy. They are really really really crazy.

After them we got that news that if Gaga won int he MTV EMA we will televise in live to Madrid. Everybody got excited and started to phone to home to watch the EMA. It was really crazy.

And after this was the time to start the show. The intro and the first song, the Dance in the dark, was really amazing, I was really excited ^^. When I saw her first I thought that "Nooo, She is not Lady Gaga. Lady Gaga is more slender and taller than she" but noo, She was Lady Gaga really.

The best were the Dance in the dark, the Lovegame, the Boys boys boys, the beautiful dirty rich, the Teeth, the Pokerface, the Alejandro, the paparazzi and the bad romance.

 But the greatest wes the Paparazzi becoz I liked that "monster" very very much, it was really spectacular and really really really scary. I was afrai of it come down from the stage and eat everybody xD

The scenes were rellay crazy and they always realigned the stage. My favourite was that scene which was while the Alejandro. It was really ghostly.

She had a very lovely gesture when she sat down to the loudspeaker and she took our hands and streched her legs to we coudnt touch her shoes =).

Oh and by the way I was on the beamer but when I realized that I'm on that I was embarrassed. But it was cool ^^ 

Thats all. I can't say more becoz everybody has to go to a Lady Gaga concert to feel this experience. Once in your life you have to take part in this big show. It is a very spectacular, energetic and dynamic show. 

And by the way...I dont feel that I'm Lady Gaga's little monster...becoz I'm the Tokio Hotel's Alien for a long time =) Sorry but as the phrase goes "I left my heart in Humanoid city" and I wanna belong to only their team =) (under the banner of similar cultures)

2010. november 3., szerda

My birthday

I began 21 today morning at 05:25 a.m. I don’t now why was it for me a big trauma, it is only a number in my life but inside i feel I’m younger than my age.
And what is the most perfect present for me? I don’t know ^^. I just wanna watch a DVD and talking about something with my friends ^^ Fortunately, my cousin will arrive tomorrow and she will spend 5 days with me ^^

My cake

One of my friend, Répy, celebrate her 21st birthday today too ^^ Happy birthday to you!

And by the way, my favourite singer, B.K., 21 years old too ^^

2010. november 1., hétfő

Animal Shelter

We were at the Noé Animal Shelter again to help to them and the sick and hurt animals. We brought them a lot of food and played with them. It was a good day ^^ I really like the animals and i try to help you when I have enough time. These animals are really grateful, lovely and adorable! So people! If you are bored just go to a shelter! It's a very good feeling ^^ Believe me!